Volume 6, Issue 3 : Lost (and found) in Translation

Translation: the construction and representation of people’s lives
Travelling between languages and disciplines: linguistic and interdisciplinary translation practices in Women’s/Gender Studies
Translation in excess: engaging semiotics and the untranslatable
Claims of ‘knowing’ in ethnography: realising anti-essentialism through a critical reflection on language acquisition in fieldwork
Difficulties of translation from Israeli Hebrew to American English: An analysis of pronouns and power relations in interviews with bus drivers who experienced terror attacks
Deciphering ‘Voice’ from ‘Words’: Interpreting Translation Practices in the Field
Research Note
Translating a troubled return: Comparative fieldwork on deportees in the Dominican Republic and Jamaica
Book Reviews
Representing the Translator: Making Sense of Translation in Cross-Language Qualitative Research. A Review of Bogusia Temple’s Recent Investigations in Research and Translation by Bogusia Temple
Translation Goes to the Movies by Michael Cronin
Translating Montreal: Episodes in the Life of a Divided City by Sherry Simon
December 2009
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